Best Text Messaging App For Android
text messaging: send a text message. from the home screen,select the messages app. upon first use, you will be presented with anadvanced messaging tutorial.
Best Text Messaging App For Android, with advanced messaging, you can share files up to 10mb, get read receipts, and see when someone is replying
when messaging another deviceusing advanced messaging. select "next". select "ok". to compose a message,select the compose icon. enter the desired phonenumber or contact. to enter multiple phone numbers, select the recipients field and enter additionalcontacts or numbers. enter the desired message.
to use speech-to-text toenter the desired message, select the microphone icon. you will be presentedwith custom key prompt; review the prompt;then select "ok"; say the desired message; select anywhere when finished. to add an attachment,such as a picture, select the attachment icon; navigate to, and selectthe desired attachment;
select "send." read a text message. you will see a notification when a new textmessage is received. to view the message, from the home screen,select the messages app; select the desiredconversation to view. alternatively, you canaccess a new message by swiping down fromthe notification bar;
select the messagenotification to view. to view an attachment, select the attachment. to save, select the save icon. if the attachment is a photo, it will automaticallybe saved in the gallery. to access other savedattachment types, from the home screen, swipe up or down on an emptypart of the home screen
to access the apps tray; select the samsung folder;select "my files"; navigate to, and select thedesired attachment to view. to reply to a text message, select the message field; enter the desired message; select the send icon. forward a text message. to forward a message,from the conversation,
select and hold thedesired message; select "forward"; enter the desired recipientor recipients. to remove a recipient,select the delete icon. to send, select "send". delete a text message. to delete a text message, from the conversation, select "delete";
select "delete"; select "delete"again to confirm. to delete a message thread, from the messages screen, select and hold thedesired message thread; select the desired conversationsyou would like to delete; select "delete" to confirm. block text messages. to block a number fromsending the device messages,
select the menu icon; select "settings"; select "block messages"; select "block numbers"; enter the desired number orcontact you would wish to block; select the add icon. to unblock a number, select the delete icon next tothe desired number to unblock. [♪at&t jingle♪]