Thursday, June 28, 2018

CopyFlow Gold for InDesign CS5 Update available

CopyFlow Gold for InDesign CS5 Update available

We have just posted an update to CopyFlow Gold for InDesign CS5 - version (CS5) 5.00b8.

This update now adds a new import/export format - CFG XML, a simple XML format based on an IDML skeleton. This format is meant as a replacement for Tagged XML Format which was based on Adobe Tags. Going forward CFGXML should be more complete and handle all document types. It looks very much like XLIFF, but without the idea of a source and a target language - so CFGXML will be easier to include in some workflows.

On import in CS5 both XLIFF and CFG XML now determine the language name of the (optionally) created new InDesign document by looking first at the target attribute in the file element at the beginning of the XLIFF/CFGXML file, and if that is blank, then at the CFG XLIFF Preferences. This should also make it easier to copy and edit multiple language imports from a single (XLIFF or CFGXML) export.

Other changes include several semantic fixes to XLIFF attributes, and the inclusion of Master page names in the exported XLIFF.

visit link download