Best Ways To Make Your Phone Charge Faster
As we all know,Smart phones are multi-purpose gadgets with variety of applications with different usage. Hence, most users like me make best use of their devices until it freezes like MMM. Some of our smart phones especially the low-end phones which come with small battery power. Changing very often can be a very annoying thing and more annoying when it takes time to have a full charge.
These are some useful tips to make your smart phone charger 3x faster than it used to. This proven tips work on all smart phones whether Android, iPhone or Blackberry.
Don’t Use Your Phone While Charging:
As mentioned earlier, your phone charges better when turned off. It is therefore more preferable to use it in battery save mode. This will increase the charging speed and avoid making the phone over heat.
Switch Off Your Phone While Charging:
Turning off your mobile phone when charging will increase the charging speed, as well as make all processes and applications idle, this make the battery draining rate to be zero thereby allowing the battery juice to be well conserved.
Turn Off Apps:
Ok, you cannot turn off your phone because you are expecting a very important call from Fayose or you want to quickly chat with Chidimma Oke on Whatsapp about Wike and the snake scandal. Well, You can leave your phone on but make sure Bluetooth, GPS , WiFi, Hotspot etc are turned off . You will agree with me that these features drain more power than shouting sai baba. Also make sure to kill all apps running (not like a hunter shooting an antelope o) but by using task killers or just clearing running apps.
Don’t Charge Your Phone With Your PC:
There is this new saying that the only use of PC by Nigerian ladies is to watch MOVIES, watch JANIFA’s DIARY and CHARGE their phones!! Sometimes charging your phones with your PC can be very fast and the phones appear to be full in a very short time but by using it you discover it just a ‘fake’ charge. While other times it appears to be very slow (this doesn’t mean it will last long) it is strongly recommended not to plug your phone to your computer for charging. Apart from the aforementioned it can also damage your battery.
Use Original Chargers Only:
This is one of the most important thing to do to make your phone charge faster. When the ‘follow come’ charger of your phone is damaged, stolen or lost. Do well to buy an original charger or a recommended one. It may be expensive but it is recommended to avoid damage to your phone and to have a better charging experience.
Don’t Charge Always:
Charging your mobile phone every time reduces the life cycle of your battery. When your battery is damaged it takes longer time to charge and when it finally gets full, it discharges very rapidly.
Use Chargers With High Rating:
This is the secret of fast charging. Many of these China manufactured chargers come with a very low rating of 250 – 500mAH whilst our batteries are high as 3400mAh to 6000mAh. When you do the maths you will realize the long hours it will take to have a full charge. Use chargers with at least 1000mAH above.