Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Biohazard HD Remaster PC

Biohazard HD Remaster PC

Download Biohazard HD Remaster PC

Download Biohazard HD Remaster PC


Publisher (s) / Developer (s) : Capcom
Released : 2015
Genre (s) : Survival-Horror
Topic (s) : Zombies | Contemporary | Horror
Classification : 16 years

Resident Evil HD Remaster is a horror adventure game for the PC. Team Bravo disappeared in a helicopter crash in the nearby mountains Arklay of the small town of Raccoon City. You are part of the Alpha team find survivors. Arrived at the wreck, a rabid pack of dogs requires you to subtract you in an old mansion where you think you are safe, but thats where the nightmare will really begin.

1.) Unzip / Run setup.exe
2.) Follow the prompts from game installer to install
3.) PLAY!

Biohazard HD Remaster (Part 1) ??????????????????????????????