Tuesday, August 28, 2018

CopyFlow Gold for InDesign CS6 1 08

CopyFlow Gold for InDesign CS6 1 08

CopyFlow Gold for InDesign CS6 - 1.08 adds more features.

We have added IDML as a new export/import format type. This is most useful with the Folder option on - to process entire folders of InDesign documents to and from IDML in a single batch.

CFG also now includes function to Check For Missing GlyphsWhen translating to a language which uses a different character set sometimes the font specified for the original language lacks the glyphs (character images) for translated text. This results in missing glyphs as shown in the illustration below. In this case the target language is Japanese, but this situation can occur with European languages as well. CopyFlow Golds Check For Missing Glyph fly-out menu item scans a document for missing glyphs and reports the page number of the first occurrence.
Missing Glyphs
CopyFlow Gold for InDesign CS6 - 1.08 also includes an enhanced feature for clearing typographic attributes. See the updated documentation for more info about this and other Pre- and Post- Translation tasks..
Clear Overrides
Upgrades: If you are already running CopyFlow Gold for InDesign CS6 and want to upgrade to this latest version simply download the latest demo and install it with Adobe Extension Manager CS6.
Purchases: Or to purchase a new copy CopyFlow Gold go to our online store.
Documentation: Read the latest documentation for CopyFlow Gold for InDesign CS6. 

visit link download